Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where in the Kitchen is Irene Duong Pants-Lover?

Gah! School is seriously eating my soul! I haven't been updating very much here and i apologize. Do not interpret my silence as a dry spell in the kitchen. When i am stressed i cook a LOT. When i get some free time (read: when i am bored during xmas break) i will post some recipes that i have devised and tried this semester. Among the ones to look forward to:

Perfect Pie Crust and Best Apple Pie ever!
Indian Breads - Parathas (plain, potato and spinach) and Naan
Best Chocolate Cookies in the World!
Indian style Curries
Cale and Quinoa
Vegetarian Shepherd's pie

Oh man and a whole lot more that i can't think of right now. I leave you with a picture of the top of my christmas tree! Happy impending holidays everyone!